THANK YOU for supporting our kids, school, and community.
By supporting the PTO, you help contribute to fun school events and enrichment programs that not only raise funds, but more importantly engage the students, build moral, and school spirit.
How the PTO operates
The KME PTO is structured as a non-profit, which means that whatever money is raised within a given school year should be used before the school year ends. All students should also be able to benefit from how the funds are spent. In the past, the PTO has not only sponsored fun events like the school dance and extravaganza, but they have also paid for educational resources for teachers/staff, an outdoor classroom, and many other programs and projects that help make KME the best place to be.

PTO Funds go toward in-school enrichment programs, educational resources, author visits, fun school events, and other ongoing programs that benefit all students at KME.
Improvement projects
PTO funds also go toward projects and building improvements like the media center renovation, new music room carpet and risers, front desk tile wall, gaga ball pit, and playground updates.

Programs &
Completed Project: Playground Turf
The land surrounding the playground was mostly unusable due to poor grading, mud, and standing water. We raised funds to add nearly 12,000 square feet of play space that our kids can use year-round!